Saturday 11 July 2015

Strawberries a la Prednisone!

Good Evening Internet Friends!

I awoke this morning after a good three hour sleep last night in which I did not cough!  YAY.

There was and still is an Air Quality Advisory here in Edmonton but since I was feeling so much better than I have been in a week I decided that my son and I would road trip south today.  There were actually three reasons for this:  the smoke is not as bad as you travel south, there is an AMAZING strawberry farm south of here, and lastly and tied with second for most important; I wanted to pick up some of my fabric stash for me at Prairie Points Quilt Shop.  In other words it was going to be a Mental Health Day for me (I never get tired of that bad joke...).

I am not sure that the air south of here was that much better, but I do know that the Prednisone was working because my coughing was minimal and I was actually able to talk in full sentences without having to struggle for air.

A canola field near Wetaskiwin, the sky is more grey at home.

Second reason for the road trip was the Steven's Strawberry Farm.  OMG these are the best strawberries since the ones my grandparents used to take meticulous care of.  In just under an hour with minimal help and numerous distractions from an 11 year old boy I had:
Two amazing pails of strawberries!

My son had a blast petting the cows, and there was lots of old farm machinery that he got to look at and I explained to him how it worked.  He could not get over the fact that the farmer would have to check the seed drill every so often to see if he had run out of seed as there was no on board monitoring system for this.

Then we headed off to Ponoka.  We stopped for a Minion Dinner with the intent of getting the movie pass to go see the movie, however it is for a promo coupon for something and I can't get to see the movie until later next week | : {

Last reason for the road trip; the quilt store.  I had ordered a few things from Lynn at Prairie Points Quilt Shop and of course while there I found some Fat Quarters that were stray that needed a new home and some backing and some buttons.......

Ironically, at this moment I am supposed to be de-stashing my craft room.  Not going "sew" well, but these were all "sew" fabulous I had to bring them home.

Now maybe I should go make something as tomorrow will be spent with my strawberries and getting ready for returning to work for one week,

Hope this inspires your own road trip and creativity...


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