Monday 10 August 2015

In the Dark...

Good Evening Internet Friends!

Yesterday was one of those days where I tried to pack as much as possible into the day.  I was up by 0730 (even though it was Sunday) to get all my vegetables taken care of.

I pickled all the cucumbers, all the yellow beans, blanched green beans and carrots all before 2 pm.  Laundry and some more general house cleaning were included with the festivities.  Then my son and I headed out into the river valley riding 28 km in the river valley:

The weather was hot and it was a great ride, and the city looked pretty.

We got home had dinner and while my son started his bedtime preparations I thought I would get a batch of blueberry jam made and that could process while I read my son his bed time story.  Two minutes away from the jam being ready to jar the power went out.  U^&*()_)*(&*^%%$^&*!!!!
Seriously.  Worse yet, it did not come back on.  A check on my phone of the city's power web page let me know that a power line was down and it would be at least 2 hours before power was restored.   At 11:38 pm the power came back on.  I had to re-boil my jam, get the canner back up to boiling and process my jam.  Bedtime at 1 am.  Somehow I have dragged through today and am still up....

Here's my first batch of pickles:

The first batch of veggies:

As of this evening all veggies are bagged and the pickles are on the shelves.  Can't wait til the pickles are ready to try...

Hope this inspires your own creativity...


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